Inverter question/ help


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Jun 15, 2024
Trying to blow up an air mattress that states it has a built-in 120v / 210w AC pump. After about 1 minute the invertor switches off automatically. I have rear hatch and front door open. Not sure if this is causing it or if someone with more expertise than me would know what causes this.

Edit- I tried my coffee maker and it cut off also. Just trouble shooting myself- I realized car had been sitting with engine off for a couple of hours (but I was at 6 bars) and I had the a/c on. So I let the car run for a little bit, turned off the a/c and then ran the coffee maker. All good. Not sure if running the a/c was the issue because the bars never changed. Also, car never cut off to just battery- ran the gas engine the whole time- so maybe it just was not charged enough (but I would think 6 bars is pretty high)- No clue.
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