Official Delivery/Possession Update Thread


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Feb 18, 2024
I know a few people have been anxiously awaiting their delivery after their vehicle sitting at port for awhile. Seems like a few different users have mentioned it in different threads but I figured it might be good to start an official one for people to post any updates they get on actual delivery/any users who are actually able to take possession.

Was hoping to hear something over the past couple days after the review embargo dropped (wondered if there was a “hold” on vehicles until that point) but haven’t seen anybody yet saying they got theirs.

Looking forward to photos/reviews from regular owners hopefully soon.
My sales guy is only capable of looking at the computer screen and hasn't made any calls. He keeps saying tomorrow. They have a deadline of tomorrow as I am heading out of town and will be mostly traveling by vehicle and overseas until July. If its not available tomorrow I am cancelling and will just get a LC trim for MSRP in July or August and save $10K to $15K from another dealer. I don't need to pay for it and have it sit in the showroom for 8 weeks.
I checked in with my dealer yesterday and he didn't have any updates. FE at the port April 6th and is just waiting to make the trek up to ND. Not exactly down the street, so just trying to be patient 🫤

I check this forum every day hoping to see someone take possession so will definitely be coming back to this post!
The ship mine is on arrives Sunday but the processing date is the 29th. I'm hoping the first week of May.
Mine is showing already processed at the Portland Port and waiting for a train ride.
TN makes it a long train ride. I would think TN would be served out of Jacksonville, FL or Houston, TX (Gulf States).
Mine is showing already processed at the Portland Port and waiting for a train ride.
I think my dealer is just over 2 hours from the port. It's already torture waiting on a ship, I can't imagine waiting on a train too.
Pulling the plug on this dealership. What a bunch of clowns. Now they are telling me after the first of the month. They did off er me another they have been allocated to come in late June for more money because they want to get me what I want. I told they I will just buy from another dealer.
It is absolute torture for sure. Going from a 2wd 2008 FJ with no bells or whistles. Still love my FJ though.
That's crazy. It's been here so long!
I can't believe they couldn't get it by today.
That's crazy. It's been here so long!up
I can't believe they couldn't get it by today.
Just got back from dealership and have my check back. They have no idea when they are getting any of the Land Cruisers. They offered by the choice of the original one or a trail dust one they were allocated this week which has a higher MSRP for the same price depending on when these arrive. I can decide when I get back from my trips. I told them if I take one I want it in the same condition it came from the port with the stickers and plastic on seats.. I do not want a vehicle that is sitting in the show room for 2 months.
Just got back from dealership and have my check back. They have no idea when they are getting any of the Land Cruisers. They offered by the choice of the original one or a trail dust one they were allocated this week which has a higher MSRP for the same price depending on when these arrive. I can decide when I get back from my trips. I told them if I take one I want it in the same condition it came from the port with the stickers and plastic on seats.. I do not want a vehicle that is sitting in the show room for 2 months.
It’s unfortunate they couldn’t deliver. I was looking forward to your review. I just heard about mine today. I should have it sometime next week. Safe travels!
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It’s unfortunate they couldn’t deliver. I was looking forward to your review. I just heard about mine today. I should have it sometime next week. Safe travels!
Disappointed but not much I can do. Reaching out to other dealers too.