
If you are on Lexapro from reading how your LC250 is falling apart on this forum....then here's a fun watch with a happy ending... not the kinda happy ending you get in West Hollywood at 2am....

Forum users (any forum) place the subject under a microscope, and the negative findings end up in an echo chamber.

It did well even without the sway bar disconnect. Funny video, thanks for sharing.
Definitely entertaining, the dude in the Land Rover did what the kids today call "sending it". What a nut.
Forum users (any forum) place the subject under a microscope, and the negative findings end up in an echo chamber.

It did well even without the sway bar disconnect. Funny video, thanks for sharing.
While true, for the most part the folks contributing on forums like this are nit-picking something they otherwise feel positively about...because otherwise why are they on such a forum? (obviously, of course, there are exceptions)

What I've found surprising is just how negative so many general car reviewers on YouTube (et al) have been since the launch of this vehicle, and how starkly their opinions seem to contrast that of actual owners...I don't mind constructive criticism or nit-picking, I have my own with this vehicle, but so many just seem to be holding the 250 LC to some unfair standard?...perhaps if it was badged as a "Prado" it wouldn't be so bad? It's also odd how so many that completely rag on the LC powertrain have recently posted rave reviews for the new 4Runner...with the exact same powertrain.

But yeah, it's not perfect...I'd love more internal storage...a shelf above the glove box maybe?!?), and definitely wish for a larger fuel tank, just to name a couple...but overall, I'm very happy with my new LC, and literally smile every time I walk into my garage and see it, even if I'm not going anywhere.