Howdy Land Cruiser forum!


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Jan 31, 2024
Glad I found the site. I am a longtime Toyota fan, and currently on my second Tacoma. Like many, I have been waiting for the right time to move up to the LC.

I am planning to get an LC250, but depending on price I might opt for the GX instead.

There are so many new updates to the lineup this year. And soon the 4Runner too. It is a good time to be a Toyota enthusiast.
Welcome to the forum Paisano! It sounds like we are in the same boat, coveting a LC250, but considering a GX550. Hey, I wonder which will be easier to get? The GX has been fully announced, including prices. Not so for the LC. Nothing to base it on, but I have this gut feel that Toyota is struggling with an issue concerning the hybrids, as the GX hybrid is delayed, and of course the LC, which is a hybrid only offering. To this end I am on the respective dealer lists for both vehicles. Also, is this the day the test drives embargo will be lifted on the GX? Will wager, with the V6 and 10-speed auto it will be one smooth and quiet running machine, albeit not exactly frugal on fuel.
There are so many new updates to the lineup this year. And soon the 4Runner too. It is a good time to be a Toyota enthusiast.

Completely agree! Welcome to the forum @Paisano ๐Ÿป