How much water can they go through?


đź“› Founding Member
Jun 27, 2024
Mobile, AL
2024 Landcruiser
Does anyone have real world experience with water depth? I hunt in the Alabama River swamp and sometimes have to traverse through 12-18 inch of water to get to the camp. For a couple of miles at that. Coming from leveled out GMC Sierra Z71, there were times when the water was over my front bumper, over the bottom of the door. It was a butt pucker factor in my truck and just wondering about the battery in the LC.
Pics for attention. This is me driving down and then boating down the same road about 500-600 yards apart.


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Bumping this as I would like to know as well. I don't see any notes in the manual which is a noteworthy omission for a truck with the role of the LC250. What is too deep? Hub deep? Bumper deep etc.? Toyota TIS online may have some credible info.
I swear I saw this info somewhere from Toyota, but I can't seem to find it.
Bumping this as I would like to know as well. I don't see any notes in the manual which is a noteworthy omission for a truck with the role of the LC250. What is too deep? Hub deep? Bumper deep etc.? Toyota TIS online may have some credible info.
Probably no deeper than the rear diff snorkel. Unless there are any electronics that hang lower.
Yea... And I carry a Gun in my glove box! Yet my Gun thread got banned? YET... SOME HOW... Your allowed to drive through much unsafer conditions!!! Water conditions with out getting banned!

Your not safe! You should be banned for using your LC as developed! How dare you expose others to such unsafe water driving! It's Electric...fool!

Driving in water with a hybrid is SOOO much unsafer than having a Gun in your Golve Box!!! Idiot!!!!

I demand this thread be banned for the safety of all LC owners/buyers!!!

You can’t be electrocuted while in water by a battery.
Yea... And I carry a Gun in my glove box! Yet my Gun thread got banned? YET... SOME HOW... Your allowed to drive through much unsafer conditions!!! Water conditions with out getting banned!

Your not safe! You should be banned for using your LC as developed! How dare you expose others to such unsafe water driving! It's Electric...fool!

Driving in water with a hybrid is SOOO much unsafer than having a Gun in your Golve Box!!! Idiot!!!!

I demand this thread be banned for the safety of all LC owners/buyers!!!

You’re… 🤣
I thought I read somewhere it was 33”. That was a while ago though and I haven’t seen anything since.
To Ayork,
Wow! You get the award of the month!! I would be freaking in that depth of water. But thank you because this does give me a lot of confidence in this truck.
I read 27.5 Inches for water depth, but then realized that is for the 2024 70 Series, the Australian version
Sorry didn't quite finish - the Australian version 70 appears to have a snorkel.