17inch TRDs from 4R fit LC?

Scott S.

📛 Founding Member
Apr 4, 2024
Verona, WI
2024 1958 Land Cruiser
I have some awsome 17" TRD pro wheels from my 4runner that I'd like to use on my 2024 LC 1958. Anyone have experience with this?
It’ll make it better when you air down, more cushion. Worse on the road..

From what I gather if you can get an offset of 40mm the tire will still stuff into the wheel well when fully compressed.
I’m not an expert. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work if it has the same lug pattern. Curious to your experience, I liked my TD wheels better than the ones on the land cruiser, although they do look more sophisticated. But I didn’t buy this thing to look sophisticated 🤣
Thanks for the feedback. I'll attempt to change for the winter in a month or so. Bolt pattern is right, so it's more of a rotor/caliper clearance thing.